Patient Center - Fort Lauderdale, FL

Patient Center

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New Patient Special $79 Exam Including X-Rays ($475 Value!). Please Call To Ask About Our New Patient Specials. Second Opinions Welcome.

dental patient filling out forms

Patient Forms

For your convenience, all new patient paperwork can be accessed online. Simply download each form below, complete the forms at home, and bring the forms with you to your first appointment. If you should have any difficulty downloading these forms, please call our office and a knowledgeable team member will be happy to assist you. Please print form and bring to first visit.

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$79 Special Offer – Exam, Consultation, and X-Rays

$79 examination and consultation including needed x-rays, Normally $475, also includes microscopic evaluation of the specific bacteria causing your infection, oral cancer examination, examination of your bite and jaw joint, an evaluation of pockets, bleeding and pus and how loose the teeth are.Tooth decay and defective crowns are noted. For advanced periodontal disease a laboratory culture may be ordered at an extra charge. Finally the findings are reviewed with you and the recommended treatment and treatment fees are reviewed in detail. Time is allotted to answer any questions you may have.

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Dr. Mark McCawley.
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